Two EGC types of available
SafetyNET, which is used to broadcast Maritime Safety Information     (MSI) to ships.

FleetNET, which is used typically by companies to send commercial information to ships belonging to their fleet

What service is offered by SAT-C?
Store and forward data communication

Explain ‘store and forward data communication’.
sending text messages or data to SES
and from an SES, using “store-and- forward messaging.
It is stored in SES
After a short delay the message/data will be delivered to the recipients terminal, where it may be printed, viewed or stored.

What is the delay made in this communication?
2 to 5 minutes
What is the power output (EIRP)?
14 dbW
What is the speed of transmission?
600 bauds
Type of aerial? Size of the aerial?
Small Omni directional antenna, 10 TO 13 cm in dia

What is the transmitting (uplink) frequency?
1.6 GHz ( 1626.5 – 1660.5 MHz)
What is the receiving (downlink) frequency?
1.5 GHz (1525.0 – 1559.0 KHz)

Why SAT-C is preferred to use on board ship?
It can be fitted on any type of vessel
Low cost, EGC and LRIT

What is BDU?
Below deck unit
It is the transceiver of SAT C

What are the methods to inform RCC about Distress condition?
Undesignated distress alert
Designated distress alert
Detailed distress message

How do you send undesignated distress alert?

How do you send designated distress alert?

What are the differences between undesignated and designated distress alert?
Undesignated distress alert,
Ship’s SAT-C ID, position, time and nature of distress –undesignated
Are sent ( to RCC)
Designated distress alert –
Ship’s SAT-C ID, position, time and NATURE OF DISTRESS (select) are sent (to RCC)

How do you send distress message?
By selecting Distress priority
Who receives the undesignated/designated distress alert and Distress message?
How do you send URGENCY or SAFETY messages in SAT-C?
By using two digit special access code

What is EGC?
Enhanced Group Calling

What is safetyNET?
Safety NET For  receiving MSI
What is fleetNET?
Fleet NET for commercial messages sent from companies to their ships
You have sent distress alert to RC C and no response is received. What action
Will you take?
Repeat after 5 minutes
What is log-in?
Connecting to NCS

Why do we log-in?
To get a common signaling channel
By that we can communicate in maritime satellite communication network.

What is the purpose of log in?
By log in to NCS, we are getting a common signaling channel.

Our SAT ID is registered in the NCS DATABASE.
If anyone sends message or calls, we can be connected
( In SAT-C we do LOG IN manually, and in SAT-B and FLEET 77,
It is automatically LOG IN)

How do you receive distress relay messages in SAT-C?
EGC –SAR message

What are the services    can be connected (delivered) to shore?
Email, telex, fax

What is data reporting?
Position reporting at pre fixed intervals – send to shore

What is polling?
From shore, by giving a polling command to ship’s SAT-C ID
Position report will be taken

What is DNID?
For data reporting and polling through SAT C, ship station should have DNID
Data Network Identification Code
For using data reporting and polling service through SAT C, company should apply to Inmarsat with DNID
DNID – Data Network Identification Number is used for data reporting-LRIT polling

What is Link test?
It is also known as PV TEST.
PV TEST means performance verification test.
It is checking whether the SAT-C equipment meets the INMARSAT specifications.

What is LOOP TEST?
It is a guide how to send a message through SAT-C network and back to yourself.
It is checking the SAT-C network.
Method: Type the ocean region (where you are in) and your ship’s SAT-C ID and transmit a test message
A copy of message is saved in received log.

What is common in undesignated distress alert, designated distress alert and distress message?
These 3 are sent to RCC.
We receive immediate acknowledgement from RCC

Is it store and forward in distress message transmission?
No. it is directly sent to RCC.
Other messages are store and forward except distress message

Speed of data in SAT-C?

Telex - 5 bit code
ITA-2 International Telegraph Alphabet

Telex over PSTN –to – a FAX terminal – 7 bit code

DATA over PSDN landlines – 8 bit code

PSTN – Public Switched Telephone/Telex Network
PSDN – Public Switched Data Network

What is X.25?

It is the communication protocol, used on National/International PSDN Networks-
To exchange Digital Data between terminals connected to the network.

What is X.400?

It is the communication protocol, used on National/International PSDN Networks-
To exchange messages and electronic files between terminals connected to the network.

5 bits- shore telex 7 bits – message over PSTN  8 bits – message over PSDN

SAT-C  services: Distress alerting, distress message transmission through distress priority, 2 digit special access code for urgency, safety, position reporting and other services, EGC and position reporting and polling via LRIT

Connected to PSTN and PSDN using telephone modem number
Another SAT-C terminal/MINI-C terminal
Special access code